showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtags
Fruit'Y Retroguru2015 amigaos4 cdrom download labelminimizeminimize
Xump: The Final Run Retroguru2014 amigaos4 boxed cdrom download free license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
BOH EDITEL2009 amigaos4 arenashooter automap boxed cdrom commercial dark demo difficulty download drm fieldofvision indie langnorse license-proprietary lineofsight minimap onewaypassages ppc retro sdl serialkey traps undefinedelements variablevisuals vorbis walking labelimagesubject
Oldtimer (Motor City) Max Design1994 1890s 19thcentury 3.5disk belleepoque cdrom labelimageminimize
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure Lucasfilm Games1989 1930s 3.5disk archeologistprotagonist cdrom cdtv city-venice-it clickadventure commercial controllablehelplessness europe indianajones interbellum interwarperiod keyboard license-proprietary lutris mouse movie scumm scummvm labelimagesubject
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands SSI (SSI Special Projects Group)? adnd alienplanet arid bronzeage-theme cdrom charactercreation darksun dnd group insectoids inventory keyboard magic monsters mouse psychicpowers psychics serious sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice turnbasedcombat uvl-tiein walking wasteland labelminimizeminimize
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